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Dr Dan Zheng
发布时间: 2011-10-14 浏览次数: 154

Zheng Dan    PhD, Professor & Supervisor of Master Program

Research Interest:
Electrode materials、catalysts and performance of miniature fuel cell
Research Achievements:
      In recent years, Professor Zheng Dan has issued more than 30 papers in the professional academic periodicals.
1.     Zheng Dan, Tian Juan, Zhang Xigui, Controlled Preparation of Porous Silicon as Diffusion Layer for Miniature Fuel cell, Journal of Inorganic Materials [J], 2006.
2.     Zheng Dan, Zhang Xigui, Zhang Kun, High Performance Air-Breathing MEMS H2/Air Micro Fuel Cell Based on New Cathode Structure, Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry[J],2007.
3.     Zheng Dan, Ni Weiqi, Jiang Wei, Optimized of Anode Flow Field for High Performance Air-Breathing Si-Micromachining H2/Air Fuel Cells, Micro/Nano TechnologyMaterial and Device[J],2007.
4.     Zheng Dan, Zhang Xigui, Zhang Kun, Effect of Ambient Conditions on the Air-Breathing MEMS H2/Air PEM Fuel Cells, Journal of Functional Materials and Devices[J], 2009.
5.     Zheng Dan, Guo Zhangfei, Li Chenchen, Optimum Design and Study on the Anode Flow Field for Air-Breathing Micro Fuel Cells, Chemical World, 2010.