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Chemical Engineering and Technology  
l        Educational Objectives
     According to the basic requirements of the national general standards and the professional standards of chemical process and chemical industry engineers based on "the plan for cultivating excellent engineers in China", combined with the characteristics, educational philosophy and talent cultivation location of Shanghai Institute of Technology, as well as to adapt to the development and demand of chemical industry  as the guide, combining theory with practice, strengthen the school-enterprise cooperation, training talent in the real engineering environment of factories and enterprises.
     The aim of our specialty is to cultivate the advanced applied talents with developed morally, intellectually and physically, who have the knowledge and skills of chemical engineering and chemical technology, have the ability to beengaged in the engineering design, technical development, production technology management and technical innovation of petrochemical, fine chemical, light industry, medicine, environmental protection, machinery, energy and other departments. 
       Training Requirements
1.      Love the Chinese motherland, study hard, for Chinese prosperity and strength to work hard.
2.      Master the basic theory and basic knowledge of chemical engineering, chemical technology, applied chemistry and other disciplines. Master the basic principle, the research direction and management knowledge of the chemical production process and equipment. Master the design method of chemical plant process and equipment and grasps the chemical process simulation optimization methods. Master the Chinese principles, policies and regulations of chemical production, design, research and development, environmental protection. Understand the theoretical frontiers in chemical engineering and learn the developments of new technology, new techniques and new equipment.
3.      Upon graduating with a B.S. degree in chemical engineering, our graduates will have:
1)an ability to beengaged in chemical production, research, design and development fields.
an ability to solve the on-site technology question in chemical production.
an ability to work inlarge modern chemical production technology and related field computer application and control
2)an ability to simulate and optimize, innovate and develop the existing enterprise production an basic ability to design and develop chemical process, as well as to develop new products
3) an ability to pass the corresponding foreign language proficiency test.an ability to read English literature effectively.
4) an ability to understand the basic computer programming language and use technology .
an ability to achieve the second level of the computer.
5) Master the literature search, data query basic method has some scientific research andmodern plant control. Innovative awareness and ability to independently acquire new knowledge.
Master of literature retrieval, material inquires, have a certain basic methods of scientific research and modern workshops control ability. Creative consciousness and ability to independently obtain new knowledge.
Duration. Degree. Credits
 Duration: four years
 Credits: 192 credits
 Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
Chemistry Chemical Engineering and Technology
Main Courses
Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, Chemical Engineering Principles, chemical thermodynamics, chemical reaction engineering, chemical process analysis and synthesis. The chemical technology,Industrial Catalysis
All kinds of training and practice(18.5 credits)
Curricular practices (11.5 credits)
Course design(2 credits)
Graduation design(18 credits)
Independent set of various experimental(6 credits)
The above practice credits of the percentage of the total credits: 30%. The number of hours is 45% of the total credit hours.
The chemical technology(2 credits)
“The chemical technology” is a professional compulsory of the undergraduate students of chemical engineering and technology, it plays an important role in their knowledge structure. “The chemical technology” combines theory with practice, take the typical products in the whole production process as examples, analysis and discussion technique principles, influence factors, the production conditions, structures of the reaction equipment, flow organization, etc. This course applies undergraduate students from cultivate qualified for target, continuously introducing the latest achievements (new techniques, new technologies and new methods), stresses on analyzing and comparing of technical and economic indexes, energy recycling, "three wastes" treatment , the green chemical concept. The course content adapt to the knowledge, ability and quality structure of modern chemical talents. It lays a solid foundation for their future engaging in chemical production and development, design, construction and scientific management of chemical process.
The chemical reaction engineering(3 credits)
The course of 《The chemical reaction engineering》is an engineering discipline, it uses natural scientific principle to investigate, explain and deal with engineering practice problems. This course mainly leans on petrochemical and processing, inorganic chemicals, basic organic chemical, coal-chemical, fine chemical, polymer chemical and industrial catalyst etc. It gathers up the generality of the chemical reaction and background, interaction of the mass & heat transfer to draw the macroscopic reaction kinetics, and to get the mathematical model applied in engineering design. “The chemical reaction engineering” is one chemical engineering and technology professional course, the former courses are “physical chemistry”, “chemical principle”, “higher mathematics”. The study of this course should master chemical reaction engineering discipline basic knowledge and concept, this course also emphasizes the quantitative calculation and design, improve students' ability to analyze and solve problems.
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics(2 credits)
The course of chemical engineering thermodynamics is an important branch of chemical engineering, it is a required course for the students majoring in chemical engineering. The course is closely corelated with many other courses, such as “chemical reaction engineering”、“separation engeering” etc. The course is an important basis for the research, design and development of chemical engineering processes. The contents of the course are of strong characters of both theory and application. The course introduces systematically the research and calculation method for how to apply the thermodynamics principle to the technological field of chemical engineering. Requirements: the students shoud understand the basic concepts, theory, the relationship of concepts and their application. Some important caculation methods shoud be mastered. The students shoud flexibly analyse and make out the ralated banlanc problems in the production processes of chemical industry. In a word, the goals of this course are to establish a sound base for the subsequent courses and to help the students use the principles of the classic thermodynamics to solve the problem in the production processes of chemical industry.
Principles of Chemical Engineering A1(3.5 credits)
Through the study of this course, it makes students master the basic theory offluid flow and heat transfer, the basic principle of main unit operations and technical calculation of typical equipment.It trains students the ability of analyzing and solving practical engineering problems. If students participate in the practice production, they can early master the skills of maintenancing normal operation and reasonable regulates.The main research contents is summarised in some "unit operations"by background on the physical process of chemical production, according to its operation principle of common. The students in chemical engineering and technology profession, application chemical profession of fine chemical engineering and chemical pharmaceutical direction (course B207091) study the first volume content of the principles of chemical engineering which has these unit operations of 1, fluid flow; 2, fluid conveying machinery; 3, separation on homogeneous thing and solid fluidized; 4, heat transfer; 5, evaporation.
chemical process analysis and synthesis(2 credits)
The aim of the course is to make students occupied the ability to research the best method of exploit, design, operate and dominate chemical process by using the ideals and methods of systems engineering, and exploiting new type chemical process and modifying existing technology of factory on the basis of higher mathematics, physical chemistry, the principle of chemical engineering, thermodynamics, separation process.
The basic principal and conception of Chemical Process Computer Calculation, the basic skills of building mathematical model of chemical engineering unit operation and process system, the basic knowledge and strategies of integration of process system and energy. The feature of the course is the emphasis on the debate of basic concept, principal, method and strategy. Designation and analysis of process system operation in consider of whole system, holistic concept and optimization and combine with engineering practice and research items. So students will possess the ability to face the challenges of the world which is always changing. Using the methodology of system, regard the research object and process as a whole, through the concept of optimization, and adjust adjustable department to reach a optimize performance. By learning the course students will understand the basic concept, content and method of Chemical Process Computer Calculation, using process simulation software, aspen plus to stimulate, analyze and optimize chemical engineering; training engineering concept, improve the ability of analyzing and settling question to meet the demand of consistent development strategy.
Matlab’s Application in Chemical Engineering(2 credits)
Matlab’s Application in Chemical Engineering is a professional elective course of the chemical engineering and technology, which on the basis of the Advanced Engineering Mathematics and the Chemical Reaction Engineering and the Separation Process Principles. The main aim of the Matlab’s Application in Chemical Engineering to students is expound how to dispose of the chemical process and their solution methods by Matlab language, introduce the typical industrial process ,mathematical model and its’ solution methods.
Chemical Process Computer Calculation(2 credits)
Chemical Process Computer Calculation is a professional elective course of the chemical engineering and technology, which on the basis of the Chemical Design and the Chemical Reaction Engineering and the Separation Process Principles. The main aim of the Chemical Process Computer Calculation to students is expound how to design the chemical process by software, introduce the design of typical industrial process and its’ design methods.
Industrial Catalysis(2 credits)
The Industrial Catalysis is a professional elective course of the chemical engineering and technology, which on the basis of the Physical Chemistry and the Principles of Chemical Engineering and the Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics. The main aim of the Industrial Catalysis to students is expound the basis concept and character of catalyst and catalysis, introduce the typical industrial catalyst and catalysis in chemical engineering, and learn both the preparation procedure and the activity evaluation of industrial catalyst.
Computer simulation of Chemical Processes(2 credits)
The Computer Simulation of Chemical Processes is applied widely in the design, analysis, investigation and exploitation of chemical processes, the model forecast and optimization and control, the programming and dispatch of industrial production. In the developing or developed chemical processes, Computer simulation of Chemical Processes can be applied both the design, analysis, investigation and exploitation of chemical processes and operation, control and reconstruct the process. The main aim of the Computer Simulation of Chemical Processes to students is build the model of chemical processes and simulate it with computer, moreover, design, analysis of chemical processes
, the model forecast and optimization and control.