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Pharmaceutical Engineering  

 Undergraduate Program (Pharmaceutical Engineering)

       The principal aims at producing research-oriented or technology-oriented engineers who have the pioneering spirits, sense of innovation, and also practical ability in applied research project. With the scientific basis of Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Engineering; the professional knowledge of pharmaceutical engineering; the talents are capable of pharmaceutical research and development, management, research and development of pharmaceutical technology and equipment as well as pharmaceutical analysis and quality control.
Course Description
Course Title: Organic Reactions for Drug Synthesis (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: Specialized compulsory course
Course objective and content: The main contents include halogenation reaction, alkylation reaction, acylation reaction, condensation reaction, rearrangement reaction, oxidation reaction, reduction reaction and principle of synthesis design.
Course Title: Medicinal Chemistry (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: Specialized compulsory course
Course objective and content: The main contents include:introduction;design and development for new drugs;anesthetic agents;antipyretic analgesics and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs;adrenergic agents;cardiovascular system drugs;antiparasitic drugs;antibiotics;synthetic antibacterial agents and antiviral agents;antineoplastic agents.
Course Title: Pharmacy Administration and Law (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: Specialized optional course
Course objective and content: The main contents include:introduction;pharmaceutical affairs organization;pharmacy law for drug administration;national drug policy and drug supervision;administration of drug registration;administration of drug manufacturing;administration of traditional Chinese medicine;administration of drug information;administration of drugs under special control.
Course Title: Polymers for pharmaceuticals (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: Specialized optional course
Course Objective and Content: This course aims to provide systematic and detail analysis about the research and development of pharmaceutical polymers. It covers the physicochemical properties of pharmaceutical polymers, the principles of polymers for the formulation of dosage forms, the applications of pharmaceutical polymers for controlled drug delivery and pharmaceutical packaging.
Course Title: Chemistry of Natural Products (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: Specialized compulsory course
Course objective and content: Chemistry of Natural Products is a main course of Pharmaceutical Engineering. This course is focused on the bioactive chemical components of natural products, which could be used to cure or prevent diseases, using modern science and technology. The main content of this course contains the fundamental knowledge and theory of the structures, physical and chemical properties, extraction and separation methods, identification methods of the active compounds in the natural products. The purpose is to train students to master the theories of natural medicine, chemical composition and extraction, separation, purification and identification of the skills so that they are engaged in the production of natural medicines and research capabilities. It is able to inherit and carry forward the achievement of traditional Chinese medicine and develop new drugs from them.
Course Title: Pharmacology (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: Specialized compulsory course
Course objective and content: Pharmacology is one of the compulsory professional courses of Pharmaceutical Engineering. It is a science of study interaction between drugs and organism. It explains the effects of drugs on the organism and its mechanism, it also interpret the metabolic process and regularity of drugs in the organism. The main contents of this course contain the fundamental knowledge of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics and the action, mechanism, uses, adverse reaction of the main and typified drugs acting on peripheral nervous system, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and endocrine system. The objective of the course is to train students to master the general knowledge of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the main and typified drugs. It provides evidence for drug use in clinic, it also provide data for new drug development. It is a bridge between new drug development and drug production.
Course Title: Pharmaceutical Analysis (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: Specialized compulsory course
Course objective and content: To master the description, identification, and test of several different types of drugs with the standard operation procedures for drug quality control, to familiar with the new analytical technique, and to catch on frontiers of the discipline. As a compulsory course for students in pharmaceutical engineering specialty, its content mainly involves introduction of the aims and purposes of pharmaceutical analysis, the content of Chinese Pharmacopeia and other Pharmacopeia, the principle and method of identification test, the source of impurities and the method of the limit test for impurities, the description, identification, tests and assay of barbiturates, aromatic carboxylic acids﹠esters, aromatic amines, heterocycle drugs, vitamins, steroid hormone drugs, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, the aims and purposes of quality standards of drugs, modern analytical methods and techniques in quality control of drugs.
Course Title: Applied spectral Analysis (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: Specialized optional course
Course objective and content: Application of spectra has been a most commonly method of organic compounds analysis, especially in the chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry and food industry. The content of spectra mainly includes UV, IR, NMR and MS. By the course, students can know field research status and development of spectra, understand the spectrum theory, and correctly use this knowledge.
Course Title: Microbiology (3 credits) (48 hours)
Course Character: Specialized basic course
Course objective and content:
Microbiology is one of the compulsory professional courses of Pharmaceutical Engineering. According to the study of this course, student can learn the basic knowledge and principle of microbiology and clarify the importance of microbiology in the pharmaceutical industry. Students can also learn the current status and future trends of microbiology and can solve the practical problems in pharmaceutical research and production area. The course teaches biological feature of various microorganisms and theirs relationship with human being, including bacteria, actinomycetes, mycoplasma, fungi and viruses; microbial nutrition, metabolism, growth, control, the principle of heredity and variation and its applications in pharmacy; microbial classification and ecology; the basic principles of immunology and applications, including antigen, immune molecules and immunology applications in the pharmacy; microbiology in pharmacy applications, including microbial pharmaceuticals, antibiotics and drug efficacy studies in microbiology examination.
Course Title: Literature Searching of Science and Technology (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: Specialized optional course
Course objective and content: Through this course of study and practice, cultivate the students' intelligence consciousness, to make the students master the basic knowledge and literature retrieval method, grasp literature retrieval skills such as computer retrieval and obtain the knowledge from literature and information, and improve students' self-study ability and scientific research ability. This course introduces systemically chemical knowledge and method of literature retrieval and common mode of practice of the retrieval tools. It mainly introduces the abstract and index of CA basically composed of CSI, GSI, formula index, patent index and author index, and the relationship between each index. This course also introduces electronic literature publications and cd-rom network database retrieval etc. The basic knowledge of patents and retrieval method are also introduced. The course emphasizes theory with practice, nearly half of the class used to access information in a library.
Course Title: Industrial Pharmacy (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: Specialized compulsory course
Course objective and content: "Industrial pharmacy" is pharmaceutical engineering specialty, the compulsory course for studying drug dosage forms, is the preparation of the theory, the elementary knowledge, basic skills discipline. Through this course, students firmly establish drug quality first view, grasps various forms of the definition, characteristics, quality requirements, preparation methods and application, familiar formulations preparation, use, with quality control the basic theory and basic knowledge, be familiar with the basic process of drug production, and the basic principle of used equipment production about preparations basic principle, performance, use and safety knowledge, understand this discipline new achievement, new development. This course mainly introduces various forms of the definition, characteristics, quality requirements, preparation methods and application and its new achievement, new development. Key master all kinds of liquid dosage forms the concept, the characteristic, the quality requirements, the solution agent, sol agent properties, suspension agent and emulsion formation and stability theory; All kinds of sterilization preparations and sterile products definition, classification, characteristics, general quality requirements, all sorts of humid F0 sterilization method, the F, the concept, significance, the quality requirement and wfi preparation, pyrogen definition, properties and methods for removing; All kinds of solid preparation definition, characteristics, classification, tablet, tablets to wash common materials quality inspection, tablet with the purpose of coating, type and methods; All kinds of half solid preparation definition, characteristics, classification, composition, general quality requirements, soft ointment of matrix and additional agent the types and properties, gels of matrix; Aerosol, spray and powder WuJi definition, characteristics, classification; The definition of leaching preparations, types, characteristics, leaching method and process; Slow-release, controlled release formulation and transdermal preparations definition, characteristics, classification; Influence factors of pharmaceutical preparations degradation and lability, drug stability test purpose, requirements and common method. Understanding and understand other relevant knowledge.
Course Title: Professional English of pharmaceutical engineering (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: Specialized optional course
Course objective and content: To master a certain degree of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translations abilities, and to familiar with corresponding professional knowledge for further to obtain professional information. Course contents include production of Drugs, Structural Features and Pharmacologic Activity, Drug Development, Isolation of Caffeine from Tea, Developing Drugs from Traditional Medicinal Plants, The Chemistry of Insulin, Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial Infections :Driving the Search for New Antibiotics, Manufacture of Tablets, Sustained Release Dosage Forms, Reactor Technology, Water and Air in the Chemical Process Industries, Practical Process Engineering, Chiral Technology and Single-isomers, Principles of Drug Design, On Computer-Aided Drug Design.