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Dr Zhenmin Chen
发布时间: 2011-10-14 浏览次数: 222
Chen Zhenmin          Doctor & Professor.
Research Interest:
1.     Water Treatment.
2.     Environmental assessment.
Research Achievements:
      In recent years, Professor Chen Zhenmin has issued 38 papers in the professional academic periodicals.
1.     Chen Zhenmin, Relationship between traffic vehicles and environmental pollution, IITA-GPS2010 2010second IITA Conference on geoscience and remote sensing2010.
2.     Chen Zhenmin, Urban Environmental Carrying Capacity of Shanghai World Expo, International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2008.
3.     Chen Zhenmin, Relations Between Air Pollutants and Aero—Anions, Proceedings of International Conference On Risk and Reliability Management,2008.
4.     Chen Zhenmin, Health Safe Assessment On Urban Air, Proceeding of the 3rd Annual Meeting of Risk Analysis Council of China Association for Disaster Prevention, 2008.
      Chen Zhenmin,Environmental Assessment,Published by Zhengzhou university Press, 2004.
   Chen Zhenmin,Environmental Impact Assessment,Published by Chinese Environmental Press, 2007.
Research subjects:
1. Chen Zhenmin. Research on the wastewater anaerobic treatment, Project of Henan Province educational Natural Science Fund,2006.
2.Chen Zhenmin. Zhengdong New Region water environmental layoutProject of Henan Province Science Developmental Fund,2004.
3. Chen Zhenmin. Reforming of educational model in application university, Shanghai Higher Education Institute, 2010.
Patent Invention
Chen Zhenmin. A column araerobic treatment wastewater device, patent number:ZL200610118705.9,2008.