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Dr Xiaoling Sun
date: 2011-10-14 click: 311


CV of Dr Sun Xiao-ling
Sex: Female                                   
Telephone: +0086 (21) 64941383(office)     
FAX: +0086 (21) 64942416
  • PhD in Organic Chemistry (1992), Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
      Thesis: Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Sphingosines, under the supervision of Prof. Wu Yu-lin
   Shanghai Institute of Technology (1992-now)
  • Position: Professor (2004 - now), Associate Professor (1997-2004), Lecturer (1992-1997).
  • Responsibilities: Research and teaching both post-graduates and undergraduates (organic synthesis, combinatorial chemistry, organic chemistry etc.)
Research Interests:
  • Chemistry of fluoro-containing compounds: study on the chemical characteristic of fluoroalkyl free radicals and synthesis of fluoro-containing pesticides.
  • Asymmetric organic synthesis: The stereospecific synthesis of some chiral building block from carbohydrates and other nature material such as turpentine.
·        Green chemistry: Theenvironmentally-friendly oxidizing reaction of 3-carene and interrelated compounds. 
·        The 2nd Natural Sciences Award From Chinese Academy Of Sciences In 2001,
·        The 3rd Award In Progresses Of Science And Technology In Shanghai In 1997
·        Titles Of The Outstanding University Young Teachers In Shanghai In 1997 And 1995
·        The Outstanding Teacher Award From Baoshan Steel Corporation In 1996
·        The 2nd Award For Innovative Products In Shanghai In 1995
1. Sun Xiao-ling, Chen Ping, Lu Jian-feng,Catalytic epoxidation of cyclohexene with molecular oxygen to cyclohexene oxide, Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals, 2010, 41(3), 32-36 
2. Sun Xiao-ling, Lin Lin, Synthesis of Verbenone via Catalytic Oxidation of α-Pinene, Chemical World, 2009, 07, 
3. Sun Xiao-ling, Chen Ping, Progress on the Catalytic Epoxidation of Cyclohexene. Chemical World, 2009, 10,
4. David Mckay, Justin S. J. Hargreaves, Rico JL, Rivera JL, Sun Xiao-ling. The influence of phase and morphology of molybdenum nitrides on ammonia synthesis activity and reduction characteristics. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2008, 181, 325-333
6. Sun Xiao-ling, Jin Hui, Catalytic Oxidation of Cyclohexane to Cyclohexanone by GoAgg System. Chinese Journal of Synthetic Chemistry, 2008, 16(4)
7. David Mckay, Duncan H. Gregory, Justin S. J. Hargreaves, Stuart M. Hunter and Sun Xiao-ling. Towards nitrogen transfer catalysis: reactive lattice nitrogen in cobalt molybdenum nitride. Chem. Commun., 2007, 3051–3053
8. Han Wen-jun, Sun Xiao-ling, Qin Hong-ling. Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of Cyclohexanone. Journal of Shanghai Institute of Technology (Natural Science), 2007, 01,
9. Sun Xiaoling; Han Wenjun. New Progress in Catalytic Epoxidation Research of Terpenes.Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science, 2007,01 
10. Sun Xiao-ling, Xu Tian-fei, Li Xing-ya, Jiang Xi-kui, Fu Wei-min,Synthesis of Di-(1-methyl-1-heptafluoro-iso-propyl)-pentafluoropropyl Peroxydicarbonate,Chinese J. Org. Chem.2006, 26(6), 823-825,
11. Sun Xiao-ling, Some Criterions of the Electrophilic Substitution Reactivity at the Ortho, Para and Meta Position of the Mono-substituted Benzenes, Journal of Shanghai Institute of Technology, 2005, 4,
12. Sun Xiao-ling, Li Xing-ya, Jiang Xi-kui, Fu Wei-min, Novel Reactions of Enamines with Perhaloethanes: A Facile Route to β-CF3 Substituted α,β-Unsaturated Ketones, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2003, 61, 1641
13. Sun Xiao-ling, Wu Yu-lin, Synthesis and Purification of R-(+) Butanetriol, an Important Chiral Building Block, Chinese J. Org. Chem., 2002, 22 (7), 501-503
14. Wu Yu-lin, Wu Wen-lian, Yao Zhu-jun, Li Yun-long, Wang Yan-fang, Li Jin-cui, Sun Xiao-ling, Peng Zhi-hui, Yu Qian, Hu Tai-shan, Zeng Bu-bing, Wang Xiang-zhu, Syntheses of Chiral Pure Natural Products from Carbohydrates, Chinese J. Org. Chem., 2001, 21 (11), 1051-1059
15. Sun Xiao-ling, Wu Yu-lin, Study on the Chirality of Sulfur in Ethyl (2S, 3R,    4R)-4,5-O-Isopropylidene-2,3-Sulfinyl-2,3,4,5-Tetrahydroxy-Pentanoate,  Acta Chim Sinica, 1997, 55 (6), 600-604
16. Wu Yu-lin, Wu Wen-lian, Li Yun-long, Sun Xiao-ling, Peng Zhi-hui, Stereoselective Synthesis of Acyclic Natural Products Containing Chiral Vicinal Diol, , Pure Appl. Chem., 1996, 68(3), 723-734
17. Li Jin-Cui, Li Yun-long, Peng Zhi-hui, Sun Xiao-ling, Wang Yan-fang, Wu Wen-lian, Wu Yu-lin, Yao Zhu-jun, Syntheses of Chiral Acyclic Natural Products from Sugar, J. Chinese Chem. Soc. (Taipei), 1995, 42, 681-689
18. Li Yun-long, Sun Xiao-ling, Wu Yu-lin, Synthetic Study on Chiral Building Block of Vicinal DiolChiron Approach to the Precursors of All Sphingosine Stereoisomers, Tetrahedron1994, 50, 10727-10738
19. Wang Yan-fang, Li Jin-Cui, Wu Wen-lian, Sun Xiao-ling, Wu Yu-lin, Xiao Wen-juan, Shi Li-lan, Huang Yao-zeng, The Progress in Total Synthesis of Leukotriene B4, Prog. Nat. Sci., 1991, 1(1), 68-71
20. Wang Yan-fang, Li Jin-Cui, Wu Wen-lian, Sun Xiao-ling, Wu Yu-lin, Xiao Wen-juan, Shi Li-lan, Huang Zhuo-zeng, Advances in the Synthesis of Leukotriene B4, Ziran Kexue Jinzhan-Guojia Zhongdianshiyanshi Tongxun, 1990, 1(1), 80-83
1. Sun Xiao-ling, Wang Shi-hui, Zhu Xian, Zhang Jing-dong, Xue Shan-feng, Zheng Yu-qing, Synthesis of Dichloroacetaldehyde from hydrated chloral, Chinese Patent, ZL 03116647.4.
2. Sun Xiao-ling, Han Heng-jie, Wang Lin, Cai Yu, Wang Shi-hui, Xu Yao-ming, A method to Synthesis of 1H-1,2,3-Triazole, Chinese Patent, ZL 03116646.6
3. Sun Xiao-ling, Han Wen-jun, Qiao Jun-hua, Cai Yu, Zhu Xian, Preparation method of 3- care-5-one. Chinese Patent, Application number: 200810207317.7
4. Sun Xiao-ling, Chen Ping, Jin Qing-qing, Yu Cai, Xian Zhu, Preparation method of borneo. Chinese Patent, Application number: 200910201021.9
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