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Dr Yujie Ren
date: 2011-10-14 click: 281


Yujie RenPhD  
Current Position: Professor & Supervisor of Master Program
Vice Dean of  School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Email: clab@sit.edu.cn
Research Interest:  
1. Organic Synthetic Chemistry
2. Fine Chemical Chemistry
Courses Taught:
1. Organic Chemistry
2. Synthetic Organic Chemistry
3. Organic Chemistry Experiment
4. Organic Chemical Reaction Mechanism
1.  Dalian City, the second young female talent award
2.  Shanghai Teaching Achievement Award: First Prize
3.  East China University of Science and Technology Classroom Teaching Famous Teacher Prize
Selected Recent Publications
1.Triflic acid adsorbed on silica gel as an efficient and recyclable catalyst for the addition of b-dicarbonyl compounds to alcohols and alkenes. Green Chem.12, 1049-1055 2010,
2. Perchloric Acid-Catalyzed Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Addition of β-Dicarbonyl Compounds to Alcohols and Alkenes and the Investigation of the Mechanism J. Org. Chem.2010, 75, 5017-5030
3. Synthesis of 3'-Azido-3'-Deoxythymidine-α-Hydroxyphosphonate Derivatives, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA, 2009, 67(15): 1822-18249
4.Synthesis and Langmuir-Blodgett film analysis of atropisomers of “picket fence” porphyrin,Chem. Res. Chinese Universities,2010, 26(5), 761-767
5. Synthesis of 4,5-Diphenyl-2-substituent-1-sulfonylimidazole, Chin. of J. Org. Chem.2008(28),1247-1249
6. Syntheses and Characterization of Long-chain AIkyl Nucleoside H-Phosphonate Derivatives, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA, 2007(7), 631-634
7.The interfacial behaviors and aggregate structure of atropisomers of “picket-fence” porphyrin at the air/water interface. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2011 (377) 130–1379
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