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Dr Xiangqing Li
date: 2011-10-14 click: 222
Li Xiangqing       PhD, Professor & Supervisor of Master Program
Research Interest:
1. Nanochemistry
2. Inorganic solid chemistry
Research Achievements:
In recent years, Professor Li Xiangqing has issued more than 50 papers in the professional academic periodicals.
The represented papers in the recent years:
1 Xiangqing Li, Ying Cheng, Jin Mu. Photoelectrochemical properties of transparent multilayer films via electrostatic alternating assembly of titanate nanotubes and methylpyridinium porphyrin cobalt. J. Nanoparticle Reseach, 2010, 12: 2521-2530.
2 Xiangqing Li, Ying Cheng, Lifang Liu and Jin Mu. Enhanced photoelectrochemical properties of TiO2 nanotubes co-sensitized with CdS nanoparticles and tetrasulfonated copper phthalocyanine. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2010, 353: 226-231.
3 Xiangqing Li, Ying Cheng, Shizhao Kang, Jin Mu, Preparation and enhanced visible light-driven catalytic activity of ZnO microrods sensitized by porphyrin heteroaggregate, Applied Surface Science, 2010, 256: 6705–6709.
4 Xiangqing Li, Ying Cheng, Jin Mu. Peparation of a new composite consisted of titanate nanotubes and porphyrin oligomer by a capillary filling. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2009, 348: 24-27.
5 Xiangqing Li, Line Zhang, Jin Mu and Jinlong Qiu. Fabrication and Properties of Porphyrin Nano- and Micro-particles with Novel Morphology. Nanoscale Research Letter, 2008, 3:169-178.
6 Xiangqing Li, Line Zhang, Jin Mu. Formation of new types of porphyrin H- and J-aggregates. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2007, 311: 187-190.
7 Xiangqing Li, Jinlong Qiu, Line Zhang, Jin Mu. In-situ synthesis and photoluminescence of a europium porphyrin complex incorporated in the silica matrix. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2007, 28: 1081-1085.
8 Line Zhang, Xiangqing Li, Shi-Zhao Kang, Jin Mu. Complex of porphyrins and cyclodextrin-modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes: preparation and its properties. Supramolecular Chemistry, 2008. 20(6): 601-604.
9 Line Zhang, Xiangqing Li, Jin Mu. Self-assembly of porphyrin-based supramolecules and their characteristics on gold nanoparticles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2007, 302: 219-224.
Professor Li Xiangqing took part in compiling teaching materials including “Inorganic Chemisty” and “Advanced Inorganic Chemisty” et al..
Ongoing projects:
National Natural Science Foundation of China, National High Technology Research and Development Program of China and Open Fundation of Jilin University, et al.
Opening the courses:
Inorganic Chemistry, Inorganic Synthetic Chemistry, Engineering Chemistry and relative chemistry experiments.
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