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Introduction of Applied Chemistry Specialty Course(Sino-New Zealand cooperation)
date: 2011-10-31 click: 213
Course Description
Analytical Chemistry B
Course Title: Analytical Chemistry B (3 credits) (48 hours)
Course Character: Specialized basic course
Course objective:
    To train students to establish an understanding of the basic knowledge and fundamental principles of analytical chemistry, familiarize with analytical techniques, instrumentation and their applicability to research, obtain an ability of the correct analysis on experimental results and develop problem-solving skills applicable to real chemical problems.
Course content:
  As a specialized basic course, its content mainly involves Acid-Base Titration, Oxidation-Reduction Titration, Complexometry, Gravimetry and Precipitation Titrametry, Potentiometry, Spectrophotometry, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Chromatography, etc.
Course Description
Chemical Analysis A
Course Title: Analytical Chemistry A (2 credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: specialized basic course
Course objective:
    To train students to establish an understanding of the basic knowledge and fundamental principles of chemical analysis, familiarize with analytical techniques and their applicability to research, obtain the ability of correctly analyzing experimental data, and develop problem-solving skills applicable to real chemical problems.
Course content:
  As a specialized basic course, its content mainly involves Acid-Base Titration, Oxidation-Reduction Titration, Complexometry and Gravimetry.
 Instrumental Analysis A
Course Title: Instrumental Analysis A (3.5 credits) (56 hours)
Course Character: Specialized basic course
Course objective:
In this course, the students are required to understand the function, development and application of basic theory of instrument analysis in industrial production and scientific research, to master the application of basic theory, basic concept and basic instrument analysis method, to learn the basic operation of main analytical instruments and select analysis instruments according to the practical problem.
Course content:
   Instrumental analysis, an important means of chemical research, is to determine the chemical composition, structure. The course covers: Electrochemical analysis, chromatography, atomic and molecular spectroscopy. Introducing the basic concepts, principles, methods and instruments related applications, focus on teaching the students the scientific attitude and dialectical perspective, emphasizing the mastery of basic theoretical knowledge, and the use of various instruments in Analytical Chemistry.
Organic Analysis
Course name: Organic Analysis (2.5 credits)( 40 hours)
Course Character: Specialized compulsory course
Course objective: To train students to comprehend the basic knowledge and related domain of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and analytical chemistry, master fundamental principles of organic analysis and basic organic analysis method, obtain an ability of the correct analysis on experimental results, and develop problem-solving skills applicable to real chemical problems.
Course content: The course mainly involves organic qualitative analysis, organic quantitative analysis and non-aqueous titration. The fundamental principles and detection methods of elements and functional groups analysis were elucidated in detail.
Advanced Instrumental Analysis
Course Title: Advanced Instrumental Analysis (3 points) (48 hours)
Course Character: Specialized compulsory course
Course objective:
    Based on the Course Instrumental Analysis A,  an in-depth view of the monitoring methods about molecular fluorescence spectrometry,chemical Emission spectrometry, high-performance liquid chromatography,polarographic analysis and Coulometric analysis are discussed.
Course content:
  An overview of the theory and basic analytical principles of further kinds of instruments are provided,including of Molecular fluorescence spectrometry,chemical Emission spectrometry, high-performance liquid chromatography,polarographic analysis and Coulometric analysis. And the structures of these instruments and analysis ways of field data are concerned. The applications of these instruments are briefly introduced.
Course Description
Modern analytical technique
Course Title: Modern analytical technique (2.5 credits) (40 hours)
Course Character: Specialized elective course
Course objective:
    Based on the fundamental analytical technique, this course is to introduce some new analytical techniques and methods to students in order to extend their field of vision and enrich their new knowledge closely related to the circular economy and the sustainable development.
Course content:
    As a specialized elective course, its content mainly involves some attractive research fields such as electrochemical biosensor, capillary electrophoresis, membrane science and technology, etc. The principle theory, analytical methods, instruments, applications and development of these fields are taught in detail. In addition, green chemistry including its history, modern status and up-to-date applications is introduced.   .
Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry
Course Title: Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry (2.5 credits) (48 hours)
Course Character: Specialized basic course
Course objective:
The students are skilled at identification of organic compounds and have capable of solving and analyzing problems by studing the course .
Course content:
The course mainly introduces the basic principles of UV, IR, NMR, MS, experimental technique, the process of spectroanalysis and application of spectrum used in identification of organic compounds. And introduces calcution of maximum absorbance wavelength in UV spectrum , calculation of IR spectral frequency, calculation of chemical shifts in NMR spectrum and pyrolysis of organic compounds in MS spectrum. The students are developed problem-solving skills at identification of organic compounds.
Course Description
Analytical Chemistry of Environmental Protection
Course Title: Analytical Chemistry of Environmental Protection (3 credits) (48 hours)
Course Character: specialized course
Course objective:
    Through this course, students will further review and consolidation the knowledge of course which of analytical chemistry, instrumental analysis, organic analysis, etc. and increase their capability in applications by analysis of environmental pollutants in the practical application.
Course content:
  The course mainly introduces the general analytical methods and basic principles of common contaminant in environment, such as DO, COD, BOD, determination of non-metal inorganic compound (CN-, As(Ⅲ), As(V) etc.), metal ions(Pb, Cr etc.) and organic contaminant, detection of SO2, Nitrogen Oxides, CO, O3, TSP in atmosphere..
Course Description
Chemical information retrieval
Course Title: Chemical information retrieval(2credits) (32 hours)
Course Character: specialized course
Course objective:
To train students to establish an understanding of the basic knowledge and methods of information retrieval and all indexes of CA and AA., familiarize with computer information retrieval, other English tools of Chemical information retrieval and develop primary abilities to analysis and resolve problems as well.
 Course content:
  As a specialized course, its content mainly involves information retrieval methods for CA(chemical Abstracts) and AA(Analytical Abstracts), electronic publications, on-line retrieval,retrieval system of Network CD and Digital Library etc. And briefly introduces some handbooks of chemistry and Encyclopedia of Chemistry.
Experiments of Physical Measurement
Course Title: Experiments of Physical Measurement ( 3 credits) (96 hours)
Course Character: Specialized basic course
Course objective:            
Laboratory test methods for physical and mechanical properties;Be able to perform a range of physical and mechanical tests.
Course content:  Calibration of glassware;Temperature measurement;Pressure, vacuum and flow measurement;Viscocity measurement;Colour measurement;Crushing and seiving;Smoke / flash / ignition points measurment;Surface tension measurement;Measurement with micrometers and verniers, density and specific gravity;hardness testing etc.
Course Title: Biochemistry (3 credits) (3 weeks)
Course Character: specialized basic course
Course objective:
A general overview of biochemistry: basic biochemical techniques;the nature and properties of enzymes;the role of coenzymes;photosynthesis;the structure and metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates . The students are developed problem-solving skills by studing the course .
Course content:
   Biochemistry include basic biochemical techniques,nature and properties of enzymes,role of coenzymes,structure and metabolism of carbohydrates ,structure and metabolism of lipids.It is the study of molecules and chemical reactions of life. It is the discipline that uses the principles and language of chemistry to explain biology at the molecular of biomolecules(proteins,nucleic acids,carbohydrates and lipids etc).
Environment and Inorganic Chemistry
Course Title: Experiments of Environment and Inorganic Chemistry (3 credits) (3 weeks)
Course Character: Large-scale experiment
Course objectives:
Through these experiments, students would have a general understanding on environmental chemistry, get the basic skills training on working for environmental chemistry experiments, master the basic method and means of solving problems and the associated data analysis capability. Meanwhile, to train students in the style of theory with practice, seek truth from facts rigorous scientific attitude. So that makes a basis for their future work in environmental chemical-related works.
Course content:
Analysis of sea food for potential Zn concentrations and Cd contamination by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AA);ICP-OES (or AA) Analysis of Road Dust For Fe, Cu, Ni and Zn;Analysis of Water Samples For PAH's by HPLC;1,4 Dichlorobenzene in Soil Analysis with GC-FID;Air analysis by specific sample tube and GC analysis of organic vapours by charcoal tube.;Cation Exchange Capacity (Cec) Of Soils.
 Natural Products
Course Title: Natural Products ( 3 credits) (3 weeks)
Course Character: specialized course
Course objective:
    To train students to master the classification, composition and structure of all kinds of natural products, as well as the qualitative analysis.
Course content:
    Make use of all kinds of instrument analysis methods to do qualitative identification of the main components of natural products
Food Chemistry
Course Title: Food Chemistry
Course Character: specialized course (3 credits) (3 weeks)
Course objective:
To train students to understand important food principles, master how individual food components contributes to the overall quality of foods, and achieve an understanding of the chemical changes that take place with food components during processing and storage .     
Course content:
Food chemistry is mainly focus on the chemical, physical and functional properties of food constituents and the effects of processing on those constituents. The food properties such as color, aroma and taste, as well as the safety of food are also introduced.
Freshwater Ecology
Course Title: Freshwater Ecology  (3 credits) (3 weeks)
Course Character: specialized course
Course objective:
To train students to establish an understanding of the basic knowledge and fundamental principles of limnology, including the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of freshwater habitats; familiarize with field survey techniques; and the analysis of field data.
Course content:
  An overview of discipline of limnology is provided, including the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of freshwater habitats; freshwater ecology; field survey techniques; and the analysis of field data.
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