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Dr Jun Li
date: 2011-11-14 click: 364


Dr. Li Jun is an Professor in the school of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering. He has authored more than 30 research papers and has 4 authorited patents. He joined Shanghai Institute of Science and Technology in 2005. Current research of prof. Li’s research group concerns the studies on (1): synthesis, structure, and activities of heterogeneous catalysts. (2) design and development of photocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis materials. (3) advanced oxidation of waste water.
2003-2005 – Postdoctoral Scholar, Enciroment Engineering – Donghua University
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering – East China University of Science and Technology
M.S., Chemical Engineering – Northwest University
B.S., Chemical Engineering –Northwest University

Contact Information
Building: Subjet buildings, No.3
Phone: 60873508
Fax: 60873508
Recent Publications
(1) Hang Liang, Li Jun, Wang Jun, Wu Xhui, Zheng Jiaxing. Preparation and characterization of mesoporous TiO2 films and their photocatalytic activity. Water Treatment, 2011, 37(7): 25-28.
(2) Jun Li, J Wang, L Huang, Guanzhong Lu. Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of methylorange over mesoporous film electrodes. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2010, 9, 39-46.
(3) Jun Li, Y Shi, L Xu, Guanzhong Lu. Selective Oxidation of Cyclohexane over Transition-Metal-Incorporated HMS in a Solvent-FreeSystem Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49: 5392–5399.
(4) Jun Li, L Xu, Y Shi, D Mao, Guanzhong Lu. Selective Oxidation of Cyclohexane by Oxygen in a Solvent-Free System over Lanthanide-Containing AlPO-5. Catal. Lett., 2010, 137: 180-189.
(5) Li Jun, Wang Jun, Huang Liang. Study on the Preparation Process of Mesoporous Carbon with Mesoporous Material HMS as Template.J Dong Univ,2010,36(5):568-573
(6) Hang Liang,li Jun,Wang Jun. Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2 Mesoporous Materials
Chem Ind Eng Progr,2009,28(3):181-185.
(7) Jun Li, L Zhao,
Guanzhong Lu.Activation of Methane over Perovskite Catalysts. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2009, 48 (2): 641-646.
(8) Li Jun, Xi D L, Shi Y, Wu X. a Mathematic Model for Gas-diffusion Electrodes in Contact with Liquid Electrolyte. J. Dong. Univ., 2008, 25(4): 463-467.
(9) LI Jun, SHI Yong,, WANG Yu-hong,LU Guan-zhong, ZHAO Ling. Oxidative Coupling of Methane over Li/TiO2 in Solid-State Electrolyte Reactor. J Chem Eng Chin Univ, 2008,22(6): 978-984.
(10) Wang Y,Wang Y,Li Jun. Effect of Vanadium Modification on Structure and CatalyticProperties of SO2-4. Chin J Catal2008,29(8):758-764.
(11) LI Jun, XI Dan-li, SHI Yong, WU Xi-hui. microfiltration of Sludge-contained wastewater by dynamic membrane and Characteristics of Membrane Fouling. Chin J Proc Eng. 2008,8(3):478-483
(12) Li jun, Xi Danli, shi yong, Resistance Distribution and Fouling Mechanism of Dynamic Membrane In Wastewater Treatment. J Chin Chem Ind Eng. 2008,59(9):2309-2315.
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