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【Nova2010】Macrocyclic Chemistry: New Research Developments 大环化学
date: 2012-01-12 click: 692

Macrocyclic Chemistry: New Research Developments
Edited by Daniel W. Fitzpatrick, Henry J. Ulrich
Nova Science Publishers ,2010
517 pages
ISBN: 978-1-60876-896-7

Preface xi
Chapter 1 Tetraazacyclotetradecane Species as Models of the Polyazacrown Macrocycles: Molecular Structure and Reorganizations in Aqueous Media (pH 0-14) as Probed by NMR Spectroscopy and Computational Methods - Problems and Solutions 1
Chapter 2 Calixarene Complexes with Solvent Molecules 51
Chapter 3 Molecular Discrimination Behavior, Discrimination Level and Discrimination Factor of Cyclodextrins and Their Derivatives to Guest Molecules 87
Chapter 4 Macrocyclic Glycopeptide-Based Chiral Stationary Phases in High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Amino Acid Enantiomers and Related Analogs 129
Chapter 5 From Macrocyclic Ligands to Fluorescent Molecular Sensors for Metal Ions: Recent Results and Perspectives 159
Chapter 6 Study of Polysaccharides Thermal Stability in the Aspect of their Future Applications 213
Chapter 7 Interactions of Cyclodextrins with Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins 233
Chapter 8 Inclusion Complex Formation of Cyclodextrins with Aminobenzoic Acids in Aqueous Solution 263
Chapter 9 Thermodynamics of Cesium Complexes Formation with 18-Crown-6 in Hydrophobic Ionic Liquids. A Correlation with Extraction Capability 287
Chapter 10 Macrocycles Role in Competitive Transport and Extraction of Metal Cations 307
Chapter 11 Chiral Calixarenes 325
Chapter 12 New Trends in Modifications and Applications of Resorcinarenes 363
Chapter 13 Imine Macrocyclics: Building Blocks in Polymer Synthesis 393
Chapter 14 The Recognition and Activation of Molecules and Anions by Polyaza Macrocyclic Ligands and their Complexes 417
Chapter 15 New Therapeutically Agent with Increased Antifungal Activity 435
Chapter 16 Food Antioxidants Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compounds: Molecular Spectroscopic Studies and Molecular Modelling 447
Chapter 17 A New Sprouting Inhibitor: n@NO-Sprout®, Β-Cyclodextrin/ S-Carvone Inclusion Compound 459
Chapter 18 Urea as an Adductor for the Branched Drug Molecules 469

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