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Chemical Reviews最新综述:宏观尺度下纳米线薄膜的组装及应用功能
date: 2012-06-27 click: 149

最新一期的顶级综述杂志Chemical Reviews刊发了俞书宏教授课题组撰写的题为Macroscopic-Scale Assembled Nanowire Thin Films and Their Functionalities的综述,文章着眼于纳米线的自组装薄膜及其功能。文章30页,引文280篇。
1. Introduction
2. Thin Films Composed of Assembled Ordered Nanowire Arrays
2.1. Interface-Induced Nanowire Assembly
2.1.1. Assembly of Nanowires by the Langmuir–Blodgett Technique
2.1.2. Evaporation-Induced Assembly of Nanowires
2.1.3. Other Nanowire Assemblies at Complex Interfaces
2.1.4. Nanowire Assemblies by Mechanical Force
2.1.5. Nanowire Assemblies Induced by External Nanostructures
2.2. Assembly of 1D Nanostructures by External Fields
2.2.1. Magnetic Field-Assisted Assembly of 1D Nanostructures
2.2.2. Electric Field- or Dielectrophoresis-Assisted Assembly of 1D Nanostructures
2.3. Nanowire Assemblies by Microfluidic Flow
2.4. Nanowire Assemblies by Bubble-Blowing Process
2.5. Nanowire Assemblies by Electrospinning
3. Thin Films Composed of Disordered Nanowires
3.1. Nanowire Films by Layer-by-Layer Assembly
3.2. Nanowire Films by Spin-Coating
3.3. Nanowire Films by Vacuum Filtration or Solvent Evaporation
4. Applications of Nanowire Thin Films
4.1. Nanowire Thin Films for Nanodevice Fabrication
4.2. Nanowire Membrane for Fuel Cells
4.3. Nanowire Thin Films for Separation and Environmental Application
5. Concluding Remarks


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