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date: 2012-08-24 click: 115

    最新一期的Nanoscale刊发了题为Review on the latest design of graphene-based inorganic materials 的综述,介绍了石墨烯基无机复合材料的最新研究进展和发展现状。石墨烯的研究热潮还在持续,相关的工作很多,本文侧重于无机材料与石墨烯的功能化复合。文章14页,引文236篇。
   The breathtakingly fast evolution of research on graphene and its modification methods in the recent 8 years has made possible the various preparations and applications of its derivatives. These hybrid structures exhibit excellent material characteristics including high carrier mobility and radiate recombination rate as well as long-term stability since graphene sheets possess super electrical conductivity, mechanical flexibility and good optical transparency. Besides, the versatile and fascinating properties of the nanostructures grown on graphene layers make it possible to fabricate high-performance electronic, optoelectronic and catalytic devices. This review presents an overview of the latest design of structure, synthetic methods and applications of graphene-based inorganic nanocomposites. The challenges and perspectives of these emerging hybrid heterostructures are also discussed.


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