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Advanced Materials最新综述:石墨烯、氧化石墨烯和它们的相关应用
date: 2012-08-24 click: 173

最新一期的Advanced Materials刊发了题为New Routes to Graphene, Graphene Oxide and Their Related Applications的综述,系统的总结了近年来合成石墨烯/氧化石墨烯的新途径以及他们的相关应用。文章32页,引文150篇,作者为Rice University的J. M. Tour。
Recent research has focused upon the growth of the graphene, with a concentration
on the synthesis of graphene and related materials using both solution processes and high temperature chemical vapor and solid growth methods. Protocols to prepare high aspect ratio graphene nanoribbons from multi-walled carbon nanotubes have been developed as well as techniques to grow high quality graphene for electronics and other applications where high quality is needed. Graphene materials have been manipulated and modified for use in applications such as transparent electrodes, fi eld effect transistors, thin film transistors and energy storage devices. This review summarizes the development of graphene and related materials.


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