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Advanced Materials最新综述:石墨烯---新兴的电子材料
date: 2012-09-10 click: 144

Advanced Materials发表关于石墨烯的最新综述---Graphene: An Emerging Electronic Material,作者为UCLA段镶锋教授课题组,介绍了石墨烯这种新兴的材料在电子学中的应用,综述了该领域的高端工作和最新的研究进展及方向,文章44页,引文671篇。
Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms in a honeycomb lattice, offers a number of fundamentally superior qualities that make it a promising material for a wide range of applications, particularly in electronic devices. Its unique form factor and exceptional physical properties have the potential to enable an entirely new generation of technologies beyond the limits of conventional materials. The extraordinarily high carrier mobility and saturation velocity can enable a fast switching speed for radio-frequency analog circuits. Unadulterated graphene is a semi-metal, incapable of a true off-state, which typically precludes its applications in digital logic electronics without bandgap engineering. The versatility of graphene-based devices goes beyond conventional transistor circuits and includes flexible and transparent electronics, optoelectronics, sensors, electromechanical systems, and energy technologies. Many challenges remain before this relatively new material becomes commercially viable, but laboratory prototypes have already shown the numerous advantages and novel functionality that graphene provides.


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