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几位大牛在Chem. Soc. Rev.合作撰写的最新综述:用于可再生能源生产与存储的纳米材料
date: 2012-10-11 click: 203

    本文由纳米能源领域的几位大牛合作撰写(Xiaobo Chen ,  Can Li ,  Michael Gratzel ,  Robert Kostecki and Samuel S. Mao),题为Nanomaterials for renewable energy production and storage ,介绍了纳米材料在能源制造和能源储存中的应用。文章29页,引文332篇。
   Over the past decades, there have been many projections on the future depletion of the fossil fuel reserves on earth as well as the rapid increase in green-house gas emissions. There is clearly an urgent need for the development of renewable energy technologies. On a different frontier, growth and manipulation of materials on the nanometer scale have progressed at a fast pace. Selected recent and significant advances in the development of nanomaterials for renewable energy applications are reviewed here, and special emphases are given to the studies of solar-driven photocatalytic hydrogen production, electricity generation with dye-sensitized solar cells, solid-state hydrogen storage, and electric energy storage with lithium ion rechargeable batteries.



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