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Chem. Rev.最新鸿篇巨著:石墨烯的功能化及应用(Functionalization of Graphene)
date: 2012-10-11 click: 237

       最新Chemical Reviews刚刚发表了题为《Functionalization of Graphene: Covalent and Non-Covalent Approaches, Derivatives and Applications》的大综述,详细总结了石墨烯及其衍生物(氧化石墨烯、还原的氧化石墨烯等)的功能化(共价键与非共价键),并综述了相关的应用。 全文59页,引文459篇。 

1. Introduction
2. Functionalization by Covalent Bonding
2.1. Covalent Attachment of Organic Functionalities to Pristine Graphene
2.1.1. Addition of Free Radicals to sp2 Carbon Atoms of Graphene
2.1.2. Addition of Dienophiles to Carbon–Carbon Bonds
2.2. Covalent Attachment of Functionalities to Graphene Oxides
2.2.1. Addition of Chromophores
2.2.2. Covalent Linkage to Polymers
2.2.3. Addition of Other Organic Molecules
2.2.4. Starting from Partially Reduced Graphene Oxide
2.3. Covalent Attachments of Hydrogen and Halogens toward Graphene Derivatives
2.3.1. Graphane
2.3.2. Fluorographene (Graphene Fluoride)
3. Noncovalent Functionalization of Graphenes
3.1. Graphene–Ligand Noncovalent Interactions: Theory
3.1.1. Nonpolar Gas−π Interaction
3.1.2. H−π Interaction
3.1.3. π–π Interaction
3.1.4. Cation−π Interaction
3.1.5. πcation–π Interaction
3.1.6. Anion−π Interaction
3.1.7. Graphene–Ligand Noncovalent Interaction
3.2. Graphene–Ligand Noncovalent Interactions: Experiment
4. Functionalization with Nanoparticles
4.1. Deposition of Precious Metal Nanoparticles
4.2. Deposition of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
4.3. Deposition of Quantum Dots
4.4. Deposition of Other Nanoparticles
5. Substitutional Doping
6. Application of Functionalized Graphene
6.1. Devices of Doped Graphene
6.2. Multilayered Graphene Intercalates and Composites
6.3. Electronic/Spintronic Devices Including Ultrafast DNA Sequencing
6.4. Green Chemistry
6.5. Bio-imaging
7. Summary and Outlook


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